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Cara Membuat Headline News Berjalan Di Blog

By habaNEWS | Wednesday 30 May 2012 | 4 comments

Sesuai dengan judul di atas kali ini saya akan mesharing tentang bagaimana cara membuat headline berjalan news di blog. bagi anda yang masih bingung widget ini hampir sama dengan headline news berjalan pada metro tv dan lain lain, cuman kali ini kita akan memasangnya di blog. ok bagi yang ingin memasang nya silahkan ke menu rancangan pada blogger kemudian di elemen laman pilih tambah gadget. kemudian muncul tab baru pilih saja HTML/Javascript lalu copas scrip dibawah kedalamnya

<script type="text/javascript">
           var hn_url_blog = "http://bloganda.blogspot.com";
           var hn_jumlah_post = 5;
           var hn_warna_latar = "#EEEEEE";
           var hn_warna_garis = "#000000";
           var hn_posisi = "top";
           var hn_tampilkan_judul = true;
           var hn_backlink = true;
           <script src="http://thedexwan.googlecode.com/files/headlinenews.js">

Simpan dan liat hasilnya

anda juga dapat merubah beberapa hal antara lain :
  • hn_url_blog adalah URL blog Sobat
  • hn_jumlah_post adalah jumlah judul artikel yang akan tampil pada headline news.
  • hn_warna_latar adalah kode warna untuk latar belakang headline news.
  • hn_warna_garis adalah kode warna untuk garis bingkai headline news.
  • hn_posisi menentukan posisi headline news anda apakah di atas ("top") atau di bawah ("bottom"),
  • hn_tampilkan_judul bernilai true kalau sobat ingin menampilkan tulisan "Headline news of BLOGKAMU" di bagian kiri dan bernilai false jika tidak ingin menampilkannya,

The New Link Building

By habaNEWS | Sunday 27 May 2012 | 0 comments

The web is awash with articles about how “social shares” (aka – mentions and link sharing on popular social networking sites) will be the “next big thing” in the world of link building.  But do you really think that Google’s going to be gamed by the thousands of “+1” votes or hundreds of automated followers you bought off of Fiverr or a related site?
Here’s the real deal on how social shares could influence link building, as well as where the opportunities lie to promote your brand successfully…

1 – Increase Overall Total Shares

Although it’s thought to be a relatively soft signal, there are some indications from both Google and Bing that the total number of social shares your content receives on Facebook, Twitter and G+ is used to demonstrate social authority.
Obviously, using the total social signals metric as an indicator of authority has its limitations.  It’s incredibly easy to game the system by purchasing followers or by incentivizing social sharing in a way that goes against Google’s recommendations for link building.  At this point, though, it isn’t clear how effectively Google and the other search engines can separate purchased shares from legitimate signals.  However, if they can’t yet, it’s likely they’ll be able to do so in the future.
Because of this, it isn’t a good idea to go out and purchase social signals.  Even if they do lead to a short-term improvement in rank, odds are they’ll be devalued at some point in the future, leading to wasted time and money.
For this reason, it’s a much better idea to encourage the social sharing of your content using calls to action and social plugins, but to focus on building momentum naturally.  To do this, be sure your website’s blog makes use of tools like Digg Digg or ShareThis which allow users to quickly spread your articles across their favorite social networking sites.
It’s also a good idea to integrate specific calls to action into your blog posts.  You might be surprised how effective adding statements like, “If you enjoyed this article, please click the icon below to share it on Facebook,” can be!

2 – Increase Perceived Authority

One of the biggest advantages of social networking sites is the way they break down communication barriers and enable you to easily reach out and connect with new audiences who may go on to share your links.  For this reason, using social networking sites to increase your perceived authority is just as valuable as working to increase the number of times your content is shared.
In addition to confirming that social signals play a role in the SERPs ranking algorithms, both Google and Bing have also indicated that the relative authority of a user factors in to how heavily these signals are weighted.
Evidence for this assertion comes from a December 2010 interview of both Google and Bing representatives, as carried out by Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Land.  In response to the question, “Do you calculate whether a link should carry more weight depending on the person who tweets it?” the representatives responded:
“Yes.” [from Bing]
“Yes we do use this as a signal, especially in the “Top links” section [of Google Realtime Search]. Author authority is independent of PageRank, but it is currently only used in limited situations in ordinary web search.” [from Google]
Being perceived as an authority figure on popular social networking websites clearly offers a number of different advantages.  Not only will your number of social shares increase as your total follower count goes up (as people are generally more likely to share content from the industry leaders they look up to), the mere fact that you appear to be a thought leader is reflected in the increased weight given to your social signals.
Obviously, though, increasing your social authority on these sites requires time and effort, as you’ll need to invest energy in connecting with new people and publishing varied content that improves your reputation.  However, as these efforts are no less time-consuming than traditional link building (and may ultimately lead to more viral link sharing and your content’s inclusion in more personalized SERPs), it’s clearly worthwhile to invest your energy in this pursuit.

3 – Connect with Authority Users

If one of the biggest advantages to social networking is the low barriers to communication that allow you to reach out and connect with potential new followers, it stands to reason that this situation can be manipulated in the opposite direction as well.  By connecting with other authority users on social networking websites and getting them to share your content with their followers, you could multiply this effect even further.
According to SEO expert Eric Enge, writing for Search Engine Watch:
“There are many reasons to engage in social media, including those that go well beyond SEO. You can get significant direct traffic, you get branding value, exposure to your target audience, and more.  However, getting an authoritative person in your space to share your content will probably be a big win, and this is an excellent goal for your social media campaigns.”
Of course, you probably already have an idea of how successful you’ll be simply dropping an authority user a line and asking him or her to share your content without having built up a relationship first.  These authority users are busy and their reputations are on the line with every tweet or status update they post.  But while they may be incredibly picky about the content they choose to share, this shouldn’t discourage you from pursuing these valuable opportunities.
Instead, take the following steps to increase your likelihood of having an industry authority figure share your content with his followers:
  1. Identify authority users – To begin this process, you’ll need to identify a few potential authority users to connect with.  Keep in mind that not all thought leaders will be a good match for your business model or your audience, so keep an eye out for participants who are viewed as authorities on the specific topics around which you want to build your own perceived value.
  2. Build your relationships slowly – The best way to catch an authority figure’s eye is to promote his content.  Share posts from his blog with your audience, retweet his Twitter content and generally do your best to build traffic to his website ahead of your own.  You can also begin to encourage a relationship to develop by leaving thoughtful blog comments or responding to social networking site posts in a way that complements the authority figure while still asserting your own expertise in your niche.
  3. Reach out when opportunities to benefit both parties arise – Don’t expect your chosen authority figure to simply share your content unless there’s a significant value for his audience as well.  For example, if your chosen leader has recently published a “tell all” piece on a hot new topic in your industry, ask him to promote your article on the same subject instead of the tired old “evergreen” article that’s bumming around your blog.
As with all of the strategies discussed for improving your social media results, building relationships with authority figures in order to get them to share your content takes time.  However, the instant surge of traffic and increased overall perceived authority will likely make your efforts in this arena well worth the time invested!

Seo Mistakes to avoid

By habaNEWS | Saturday 26 May 2012 | 0 comments

Nowadays, more than ever before, the Internet is intensely competitive. With hundreds of photography websites and Blogs being launched on a daily basis, it has become increasingly difficult to rank well in search engines. This is why search engine optimization is vital for the success of any website. Research has shown that search engines like Google and Yahoo account for more than 70% of traffic.

When it comes to photography sites, the following are some of the SEO mistakes to avoid.

1. Setting up a purely flash site

Flash are usually eye-catching and can be very effective in capturing the attention of prospective clients. However, flash animations are invisible to search engines. As a result, it is very difficult to rank flash websites. A solution to this would be to present a splash or HTML page together with the flash. The text on the page will help search engines understand what your site is all about. You could also provide readable text through a blog connected to the flash site.

2. Using a similar title for all the pages

If you use the same title on all your pages, search engines will think your site or blog is just about one thing. However, you might want to rank for several phrases (such as engagement, wedding, receptions or bride). You should therefore ensure that each of these terms has a different page title.

3. Having URLs without keywords

When it comes to ranking, URLs are very vital. Having keywords in your URL gives search engines a good idea of the subject matter of your page. If one of your pages has a URL which looks something like www.domain.com/?page-id=2, it will be difficult for search engine to tell what the page is all about. When you alter the URL to something like www.domain.com/LA-fashion-show, then the subject becomes obvious. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your URLs are search engine friendly.

4. Inadequate text

Many photographers don’t know how to create text which will help them rank well in search engines. Each post should be at least 300-words long. This will convince search engines that your page has substantial content that would be useful for potential searchers. Make sure your posts contain details such as contact information, testimonials, as well as relevant links to other pages.

5. Not including captions

When visitors see an image on your page, they instinctively look for the caption. Search engines also rely on caption to make sense out of an image, since they can’t ‘see’ the image itself. Captions are ideal for including keywords on your page. Make sure you use specific words which will help enhance your ranking.

6. Using poor image filenames

Besides captions, search engines also understand an image through its filename. Instead of using a filename like TR003.jpg, rename it to traditional-bridal-gown.jpg. Hyphens are useful for highlighting each individual keyword.

7. Slow load time

The time your pages take to load will affect their ranking. Blog pages or flash sites with numerous images usually load very slowly. As a result, you could lose much traffic from search engines, as well as impatient web users.

new google +1 button, and google+ badge for blogger


Blogger today added two new options to the gadget gallery, the gadget gallery is a collection of gadgets you can add to your blog via the "Add A Gadget" option on your blog layout page.The two new options are for the new Google +, Firstly a Google +1 button for readers to recommend your blog, and secondly a Google + badge for readers to follow your Google+ updates.

Imagine being able to share your blog with like-minded people across the web. Today we’ve made doing that easier with the introduction of two Google+ gadgets, the +1 button and Google+ Badge.Unlike the +1 button that can appear below a post, this gadget is specific to your blog. Displaying it on your blog will allow visitors to endorse your blog and share it with their friends.

Google+ gadgets for Blogger

As stated above you can add these new gadgets to your blogs sidebar, footer or anywhere that accepts gadget.Simply go to your blog layout page, click Add A Gadget and choose the gadget you want.For the +1 button you have options for the style while to add the Google Plus badge you will need your profile or page ID (A link to instructions is provided).

Drop your comments and questions below.

Google drive launched : Start Sharing Files


Google has been launching many new services. A few days ago, It launched Google Code and provided an amazing service to the users. But it was not just over, Now it has launched the brand new Google Drive and gave users a new experience. Google Drive actually is online file-storage service like Microsoft's SkyDrive. But as expected, it comes with many amazing features. The main goal is that, it let's users to upload files and share them with anyone on the Internet. It gives you 5GB free online storage with many new exciting features including smart tagging, image recognition etc. Let's discuss about other features.

Setting up Google Drive

You will need a Google Account to set up with Google Drive. If you have google account, then start using Google Drive with free 5GB online storage. You will be guided step by step after logging in to Google Drive. It's very easy.
What's amazing about it?

There are many unique and latest features in the new Google Drive. Watch the official video of Google Drive below to get familiar with Google Plus in detail.

Sharing and Storage

As already mentioned google drives gives 5GB free online storage. The maximum upload file size limit is 10GB. But the users which have 5GB of total storage, can upload a file of 5GB. It's really amazing. You can upload images, documents, videos etc. and can also share your files with people which also have Google Drive Account.

You will have to install a software for Google Drive in your PC, and then it will create a folder named "Google Drive" on your Desktop. You just have to drag and drop the file you want to upload and share, in that folder and your files will start uploading on your Google Drive account. The files which are uploaded will appear on your account and you can share that. People can download, view, comment and edit your files with your permission. You can also sync your files with iPhone, Android etc.

By default, you will be provided 5GB of free storage. Maybe that's not enough for you. You can extend it at reasonable prices as given below. You can buy up to 1TB of storage.

25 GB = 2.49$ / month
100 GB = 4.99$ / month
1TB = 24.99$ / month


You can integrate your uploaded files with many products of Google e.g Google Code, Google Docs, Gmail etc. You can choose file of any format and even you can also covert your format before uploading.

Smart Tagging and Search Filter

These are one of my favourite features of Google Drive. You can filter anything from your files e.g you can find images, videos, documents etc. from a bunch of files in seconds. You can tag the images with different labels and then find them easily with one click.

Text Recognition and Offline Viewing

If you've forgotten the name of any file and you want to find it, then Google Drive can find it by matching your given text with the text in the files. Viewing your documents offline is another goal of Google Drive. You just have to install an app in Google Chrome, and then you can view your documents offline in Google Drive.

Google has always tried to provide the users with latest and unique tools and features. Google Drive has many features which other related sites don't give. I hope Google will update this Google Drive and provide more flexibility to users.

5 Tools For Managing Your Social Media Accounts


 Managing all your social media accounts is something which can be pretty time consuming – if you’re not doing it properly. Updating regular posts is something which takes time to adjust to and work at - but something that your blog or business can really benefit from greatly. Investing your time and effort in social media is something totally worthwhile – and something much easier once you’re using the right tools and equipment to help you out.

Don’t feel scared or intimidated about using online tools to help manage your social media – it can help save you time and it can also mean you efforts are being recorded properly too. After all, time and effort saved in one part of your marketing efforts – is time and effort you can use somewhere else.

So here are 5 great tools you can easily sign up to online – they are easily to navigate too, so you don’t need to worry about being overwhelmed by new technology. Let us know what you think of these tools, and feel free to comment below is there are any you’d like to add.

1)Shortstack (www.shortstack.com) This is a great service that aids businesses to design and build a better looking Facebook page and customise it with various things such as videos and contests. The service is mainly free (they won’t charge for pages that have up to 2,000 likes). Beyond that, a tiered pricing system kicks in, but it’s very reasonable.

2)Buffer (www.bufferapp.com) is a brilliant way to schedule your social media activity and tweets. The website and tools lets you distribute you’re statuses and tweets throughout the day (at times you can choose and coordinate). The basic package is free – but if you want to add more accounts or schedule tweets for longer periods of time, you’ll need to upgrade. The tool is great as it lets you be sure that fresh social content is getting to your audience daily.

3)Postling (www.postling.com) was intended for small business users in mind and delivers easy-to-use tools, alerts and understandings that will help you get the most out of social media marketing and let you make the most out of your business. Postling lets you publish to all of the major social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WordPress, Tumblr and Flickr and schedule your posts in advance. It also pulls comments from all of your social media sites into one place which saves a lot of time and effort for responding.

4)TweetDeck (www.tweetdeck.com), This tool is now owned by twitter and is a fantastic way to manage multiple twitter accounts. It takes the form of a “dashboard” from which you can manage a variety of social media accounts all together in one place. It allows you to monitor and manage unlimited accounts, schedule tweets to suit your audience and filter content to focus on what matters to you the most – it’s the kind of thing you’ll wonder how you ever lived without.

5)HootSuite (www.hootsuite.com) This website and tool is very similar to TweetDeck and lets you manage all of your social media accounts on a single dashboard. This is a good solution if more than one person at your business posts to your social media accounts.

Will Password Managing Applications Keep Your Blog Safe ?


We all use passwords to protect our personal material on the web, from our blog content to our online financial information. Passwords are practically ingrained into our very understanding of how the web works; they’re literally the means by which we access critical information online on a daily basis. That’s why it’s so important that you secure your data with the best password possible. You know the drill: a random sequence of letters and numbers works best, no familiar names, and nothing that a potential hacker could figure out. Most people (myself included) use multiple passwords for various sites just to be on the safe side.

While this advice is simple, the actual practice of keeping multiple complex passwords for the very large (and only getting larger) amount of sites you login to is extremely challenging. I've dealt with these challenges personally, and I can't tell you how many times I've had to reset passwords that I got mixed up with other accounts. Thankfully I never lost any access to an account completely.

The value of a password manager

The best thing about having a good password manager is the convenience of having all your passwords in one place. No longer do you have to sit an extra minute at a login screen, fiddling with the 10 passwords floating around your head.

But are they safe?

This obviously varies from password manager to password manager. The top two managers that I've tried and have had very safe results (as have millions of other users) are KeePass and LastPass. Both password managers use heavy layers of data encryption to ensure that your passwords are secure even if a certain level of security is compromised.

KeePass is slightly different than LastPass in that you can't use it over multiple devices without a flash drive or Dropbox. Some people consider this more secure as your passwords (even if encrypted online). KeePass does offer some pretty good browser integration, but it can be a bit buggy.

While LastPass hosts your encrypted passwords on their servers, only you hold the encryption key and the entire encrypting and decrypting takes place on your own computer. Needless to say, this makes LastPass pretty darn secure, much more so than any password manager on a browser. Best of all, it has extensions for all the big browsers you would be using (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari).

There is a danger of using your universal LastPass password when you're in a foreign country or on a public Wi-Fi connection. LastPass even has this accounted for though by allowing the creation and use of one-time passwords. As soon as you use them, they become invalid, so even if someone steals it, they are still locked out of your password network.

Bottom Line

As far as internet security goes, I'm about as paranoid as they go. But I can honestly say that LastPass has ended my frustration of keeping multiple passwords while still keeping me at ease with the secure management of my passwords. Just be sure to use an unbreakable universal password for LastPass that is as complex and confusing as you can possibly remember.

What about you?

Do you use any password protection or security services to keep your blog safe? Let me know!
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